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Garth Williams ~ Safety Catch TheatreOffline

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About Me

Garth Williams

Street Performer / Artistic Director /Producer / Filmmaker





• 17 years professional acting for theatre, screen & street theatre experience including extensive devising, performing & touring with Avanti Display, Artizani Street Theatre, Whalley Range All Stars, & Ramshacklicious

• Garth runs Safety Catch Theatre – connecting diverse communities through spectacular open heart comedy; focussed on community mental health + enabling audience participation amongst vulnerable + outsider audiences

• Conceived, produced, co-directed & performed Doctor! Doctor!! performing 26 shows to 11,000 people in 2019, viewed by 7000 + in online festival in 2020

• 5 years acting training including a B.A. Hons (1st) degree in Acting from The Arden School of Theatre (credited by U of M) & HNC in Acting from Telford College Edinburgh

• Theodora Children’s Trust trained Clown Doctor (an 18 month programme focussed on interactive improvisational comedy for children & their families in Children’s Hospitals)

• Extensive clown training (masterclasses with 7 world renowned clown teachers including Philippe Gaulier & John Wright & 6 weeks with renowned teacher & co-director of Dr! Dr!! Aitor Bassauri)

• 10 years cpd with long term Jerzy Grotowski associate & mentor Gey Pin Ang in 20 workshops, using Stanislavski acting technique & Tai Chi for physical & vocal actor training

• NASA UK Steering group member of 8 years.

• Co-organiser of annual outdoor artist workshop & gathering For the Love Of It (FLOI)

• Runs Safety Catch Video – specialising in video for, of and in theatre. From videography, to interactive projection installations.

• Filmmaker with 50 + promotional films for street theatre, music videos & showreels to credit

• Set up peer performing artist support group F’Arts Sake
• Extensive workshop leading experience, for mixed groups in clown, acting & filmmaking

• Currently completing DYCP in interactive audio/video software Isadora + mo cap


Featured Project

Doctor! Doctor!!

The satirical slapstick pathological roadshow. Part DIY surgery demonstration gone wrong, part old-time travelling medicine show.

An Ambulance. A Medical Team. A Farcical Epic – Mid Epidemic.


  • #safetycatch
  • #medicine show
  • #show
  • #medicine
  • #farce
  • #comedy
  • #clown
  • #theatre
  • #catch
  • #safety



Video for Theatre & Outdoor Arts

Viedography, Producing, Directing, Camera, Editing

Clown Doctor

Outdoor Appointments Only


Doctor! Doctor!! - trailer

Trailer for Doctor! Doctor!! – for the full show, clips and BSL supported versions go to the Safety Catch Theatre website.



Keep in touch

"First you get the audience to second guess you. And then you double-cross them."

Buster Keaton